09 October 2012

The cats here don't care

Thanks to Richard from Tuesday class for thinking rightly that I might like Ursula K LeGuin's  'Always Coming Home', and for lending it to me. It's a great book, up there with some of my favourite books not set in the current time / world. One of the societies she describes, the Kesh, has a strong Taoist flavour, yet set within a distinctly North American tradition. For a taste of it, see below.

When describing the beliefs of the Kesh people she writes:
"They had no god; they had no gods; they had no faith. What they appear to have had is a working metaphor."

At funerals, the final words were:
"Unceasing, unending, unobstructed,
open, ongoing, incoming,
ever, ever, ever."

Two Kesh proverbs:
"Nothing can make water better."
"The cats may be green somewhere else, but the cats here don't care."

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