06 November 2020

Online Long Form class with Mark starts next week

News! Mark will be running Long Form class each week on Zoom while in-person classes in Tooting cannot run. The class will start at 7.30 and finish at 9pm, with another 15 mins online for anyone who'd like to hang out with their cuppa and catch up with their taichi pals. Class will contain short form, warm ups, Heartwork and long form, with time for questions. Unlike the class in Tooting, folks from all over the world can join, so if you are reading this and have studied Long Form with me or Mark over the years, then you are invited! Let any colleagues or friends know, who you think might not see this. I will email a few extra people too, although we do not keep 'a mailing list', preferring folks to come here for info.... 

Class will cost £10 per session and can be paid by bank transfer to Mark's normal account details. Get in touch with me for these if you do not already have them. If you want to join in, drop me an email and I will send you the zoom link on Tuesday. If you do not yet have Zoom, you can download it to your device for free. I will be helping Mark with the admin for the first session, so will be there in the room on my laptop at first, then joining in out of the way.

It has been a ray of light going to taichi class this last two months, and it is also lovely teaching the short form Zoom class each Wednesday morning, and seeing everyone's smiling faces. Taichi in both these instances has certainly helped my own mental health and sense of being settled, and we hope this will help you too. Yes, it's tricky to learn anything 'new' in our taichi online like this, but that's not the point. Outreaching, seeing each other, attempting to move in concert despite geographical distance, these are all worthwhile activities, and more important in the current context. So get in touch with me at my usual email address if you'd like to receive the weekly class invitation by email, until such time as Tooting Tuesday evening class resumes. 

Much love to you from the sunny Thames.

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