25 November 2020

Long Form classes continue with Mark online

Thanks to all those who came last night. We will be sticking with Mark's iPad in future so foresee no more major technical problems. For now we are not uploading the lessons. Last weeks still needs editing, and this week there was not enough bandwidth from the wifi to record it to the cloud, nor enough space on the device... So it's live only for now! These classes will continue on Tuesdays until we can be back at Trinity Church Hall. After that Mark will continue to teach an online class for those who wish to attend regularly and live far away or cannot come back to in person sessions yet. Please get in touch with me if that would suit you. We are proposing Thursday nights for this session. There would also be room for a couple of in-person students per week to attend at Hampton Court, if they wishes, and they would get 1/2 hr partnerwork or study questions after the broadcast had finished. Anyway, early days, more soon!

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