30 October 2018


Greetings from the day of thin veils. I have been teaching veterans T'ai chi this morning, and they are coming along really well, thanks to Kevin's regular teaching. On the way home I picked up some food. The shops are full of orange and black tat. Still, at least Britain has moved on from burning witches.

Today while getting my paints out, I kept remembering the character Johnny from 'The Fast Show' who was a hobby watercolourist, and kept saying, 'It's black! Black! You throw me in the pit and feed me scraps...'  So here's something black for you.

All my old black T'ai Chi clothes, plus a few old blue tops, as the night sky down to a sunset glow on the horizon. Yellow fabric as the stars of the Plough. It's my 'Step Forward to the Seven Stars' rug. And yes, pedantically, it does point to the North Star correctly, when placed in front of my stove. The black is forgiving of the dropped ashes, too...

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