01 July 2016

Every T'ai Chi book I ever read

I have enjoyed enforced rereading and looking through all my T'ai Chi books, so over the next week I will continue blogging all the books I have kept, as well as all the T'ai Chi and related books I ever read! I have a small note book, which we were issued with on our first day at senior school, in which we were asked to write every book we read, so the English teacher could check it each term. It became such an enjoyable habit, that even after I left school I kept it up. Now this little book is almost full, and I shall be using another within a year or two (I just bought one for this purpose in the sale at Paperchase...) Looking back through at years when I read little, I remember it was because I was so busy doing music, or moving home, perhaps. Other years show when interests started to arrive, such as Zen or T'ai Chi or when I started collecting fungi: all apparent by what I was reading, a more evocative aide-memoire than many photos. What it also shows is every T'ai Chi book that I have laid hands on. I will go through the notebook and try to find pictures of the books online, as many books were borrowed or passed on, several to my friend Sam Masich's famously encyclopedic library in Berlin. I hope this little foray into my bibliographical history will be of interest to you on your continuing T'ai Chi journey.

Of course you don't need a single book to do great T'ai Chi, just like you don't need any special clothes, shoes or kit. The Classics say diligent study, a good teacher, and sincerity are all you need. So if you're not the reading-for-pleasure kind, no worries.

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