30 June 2016

Books and things

I am hoping to save up to go to India in 2017 or at the latest 2018 to visit and volunteer at the school I sponsor in Ladakh, and also to take up a friend's invitation to visit her in New Zealand, somewhere I have always wanted to visit.  Checking and projecting funds has proved a sobering experience and so I will be selling many books and other items in the meantime as well as mainly eating baked potatoes and home made soup! Before I sell some of the T'ai Chi books I will show them here and share a few words about them. I will also have a small box of assorted books to sell at the summer workshop many for £3-5 each. Of course I will be holding on to all the Taoist Classics, and other classics... I will also write about them here and encourage you to get your own copies if you're interested.

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