20 March 2014

Recent excellent things

Are you fragile: does disorder make you fall apart? Do random events neither hurt nor improve you, in which case you may well be robust... Here's a clunky word for a wonderful and totally T'ai Chi concept: if you are improved by and gain from disorder and the vagaries of life then you are 'Antifragile'. I have been meaning to blog about this for ages: go and get a copy of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's 'Antifragile' from your local library. Thanks to Iain McGilchrist for this excellent recommendation. What a great book, really expanded my view on so many things, Mark and I have been discussing it a lot in relation to our work, Taoism and life in general. I shall try to write more, more coherently soon, but the sun has come out and I have to sharpen my axe...

Which leads me to this excellent video on how to do just that by Ben Orford, who made my lovely bushcraft belt and pouch, and with whom I will studying this summer on the Blade course.

I have finally moved all my belongings to the Island, either aboard my boat or to my little storage shed, and I cannot begin to describe the subtle happiness caused by not having my few things scattered all over London, which has been the case for the last year. Soon I shall bring my swords and all my cooking equipment aboard, as well as the last bits of art equipment I need to hand, which is a lovely prospect. A challenging week on some levels, wonderful classes with Mark, and at Hackney last night (great work, new and regular students by the way...) have really lifted my heart. Wildfowl and every changing weather here have been a constant welcome distraction if I have become self-concerned. Sitting practice is largely 'thymus-nestles-heart' on 'close' and 'Guardian-stepping-in' on 'open'. If that means something to you, then give it a go, it's very interesting. If that line meant nothing to you then feel free to ask...

The great US band 'Beirut' playing on Spotify, I will pay for it later as I can never get their songs out of my head. I like them in the way I liked Neutral Milk Hotel many years ago (and still do). Andrew Bird coming up next: lovely, lovely songs. I am unashamedly back into heart-string plucking, harmony-rich, brass and string laden north American (yes that means Canadian too) music right now.

And as ye all knowe: what the heart truly seeks the mouse hand shall find.

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