29 August 2012

Turriff Class restarts 3rd September

The next term at Turriff runs 3rd September to 8th October, 7-8:30pm Monday at the Gateway Centre next to the swimming pool. The price is £42 (£30 concession) for 6 weeks.

It'll be great to see the regular students after the summer break, and the class will also be open to returners and new students. No experience is necessary, just wear loose comfy clothes.

Please get in touch with any questions or if you need any other information.

26 August 2012

thanks to Anneke and Neil for the great party at Finzean.
We celebrated Neil's birthday with dancing, T'ai Chi, shiatsu, a bonfire, great food and wonderful company, and - of course - lots of cake !

25 August 2012

October workshop and accommodation

I'm happy to help out with any travel queries & help co-ordinate accommodation requests for folk coming to the workshop with Mark in October. Info on train options is here

Aberdeenshire students: if you've not already, then please let me know if you can put up any visitors or if you've already agreed rooms with your "regulars".

Visitors: let me know how many nights you'll be staying for and I'll try and match you up with someone with space available.

Richard III

Last night we stood in the pit for £5 each at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre and watched Mark Rylance and company in a sold-out performance of Richard III. It's a pity that I hadn't made it to the Globe sooner, considering I've lived in London on and off for over 20 years. It is a completely different theatrical experience standing in the pit. The actors look you right in the eye, call for your responses to 'God save the King!', take your hand to shake, or swirl their cloaks over your head. Sword and scabbard pass a few inches from your nose. As the sun set and the house lights seemed brighter, our waterproofs protected us from the occasional little shower. I can't wait to go back. A good three hours of standing practice flew by, as it was an amazing production, deeply moving, occasionally shocking and always surprising. Turns out Ean was at the same performance. This production will move to a West End theatre later in the year - go see it! All the details are here.
In the Autumn we will go back and see Twelth Night. The whole run is sold out, but it too transfers to the West End in Novemeber.

There was a dance at the end of the play, where all the cast dance together as they would have when it was originally staged. It was extraordinarily moving, energetic and delightful. I want to do it... I have contacted the Globe and researched other 'early dance' groups to see if they would run a class for some of us T'ai Chi bums, and perhaps David and Marli's cohorts at their English Renaissance martial arts classes. We must encourage dancing men in doublet and hose.

24 August 2012

October workshop accommodation

I am starting to get enquiries from the southern posse about the October annual workshop. Just today, Neil F of the Isleworth class, who was at the weeklong, asked if there's anyone who could put him up from the Friday night to the Tuesday morning. Please let me know if you are able to put folks up at home in Aberdeenshire. In September I will get on with organising the fine details.

23 August 2012


Spending lots of time on the Thames. Otherwise: gardening, teaching sword, sorting my home, making plans. Hence - no posts or pictures from my workshop stash yet, as I'd rather be outside in what's left of the summer.

All classes and sessions will continue in September as previously blogged. Any questions, get in touch any time as I get emails on my phone.

Love and peace to all.

15 August 2012

Thursday venue 16th August

Just to confirm that we are at Wyness Hall this week after all.

Hackney Practice Session

I'll be in Millfields Park from 6pm if anyone would like to come and practice. I will be there every wednesday until class begins again in September so do come along if you are free.

11 August 2012

bargain berths Aberdeen to London

There are still some bargain berths available on the Caledonian Sleeper for anyone returning to London after the Aberdeenshire workshops with Mark in October. Prices range from £29 to £49.

08 August 2012

Thursday Long Form August to October

Here are the dates for the next block of Thursday Long Form and Weapons sessions. All are at Wyness Hall except where noted. Price is £25 or £4/week.

9-Aug Neil
16-Aug Paolo Wyness (not Monymusk as previously advertised)
23-Aug Sandy
30-Aug Scott
6-Sep Anneke
13-Sep Davina Monymusk
20-Sep Janet
27-Sep Neil
4-Oct Paolo
11-Oct Sandy

If you can't make the session that you're due to lead then please contact someone on the list to arrange a swap.

Havstenssund August 2012

This was the 4th year that Anna Dahlman has organised T'ai Chi and Yoga workshops on the west coast of Sweden. It was a delight to work with such a lovely enthusiastic group of people from Denmark, Norway, and France as well as Sweden.
Heartfelt thanks to Anna and all her extended family and friends for making me so welcome in such a beautiful place. Thanks also to Micke and Jon for helping with transport and assisting at both sessions.
If anyone in  fancies meeting in Hackney for an informal practice to night I will be in Millfields Park from 6pm in the circle of trees near to the tennis courts. Hope to see you there.

07 August 2012

2013 Intensive

The 2013 T'ai Chi Centre annual weeklong Intensive will be held either at the same Hampton venue as this year or at the Sea Scouts Hut at Petersham (which has camping, a fire site and private woods, 50m walk from the river, beside a large nature reserve full of lovely walks...) However, it is taking a while to hear back from the Scouts commitee, as it's holiday time now, so I will post when there is definite news. Sorry to those planning accommodation, we should know in September. The dates will be Friday 19th for Talu, etc, and the Workshop will run 20th-26th July.

04 August 2012

Olympics and Paralympics

I was feeling unwell at home the other day and whilst finishing a huge quilt that has taken a couple of years to sew, I thought, maybe I'd watch some of the Olympics. I barely watch TV as it is, and the last time I watched sport on TV was when Torvill and Dean won Winter Olympic gold in skating in the 1980s. I was so impressed by the judokas, marksmen, rowers and others that I have watched more sport in the last 3 days then in the rest of my life put together. The atmosphere seems awesome, the design and architecture very good, and the coverage has been (mainly) great. I tried too late to get any ticket for the Olympic Park as everyone else in London has just had the same idea. I am keen to see the meadows, planting and the whole regenerated area. However I am happy to have bought Paralympic Games athletics tickets for Wednesday 5th September for the morning session. A few of us are going along, so please do join us. Tickets are only £20 and after the morning session we can explore the park. I will be staying on in East London to teach the first Hackney class of the Autumn term at 6pm.

I totally eat my words that I am not interested in these Olympics. Of course there is corporate nonsense, some sad cheating, and as for how much it cost... But my rational arguments mean nothing when I see the inspiring dedication of the people competing. I may even go on iplayer and watch the opening ceremony after all... I am fed up of being the only person on the 57 bus who hasn't watched it.

Whatever you are doing, have a great summer. The weather may be pants, but never mind. I am off to the garden to pick giant cucumbers and broad beans, rocket and lettuce. There won't be much blogging from me over August, but I am just trying to arrange the next riverside venue for next year's Summer Intensive. More soon.

01 August 2012

Finzean Beginners Classes

New weekly classes will start Wednesday 29 Aug and Thursday 30 Aug
Wednesday 6.30-8.00pm, Finzean Hall
Thursday 9.30-11.00am, Rowan Cottage, Finzean
Cost is £40 for a block of 5 weeks or £9 per class.
Concessions available.
Everyone welcome.