26 January 2012

Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield is a well respected US Buddhist teacher and excellent author on matters of the heart and meditation. He co-founded Spirit Rock Foundation and still teaches there. His exemplary book 'A Path With Heart' was recommended to me by my first meditation teacher Kajedo (who, incidentally, wrote this piece, that I just found on the web, around about the time I first studied T'ai Chi and meditation with him 24 years ago, about how he came to The Way). Kajedo had several good teachers, including the Kobayashis in Germany for T'ai Chi, and Kornfield in the States for meditation. I would like to wholeheartedly recommend the most recent of Kornfield's books 'The Wise Heart'. It has been in turns a soothing balm and strong medicine for the dark month between mid-December and early January, whilst the Natural Process churned me until it was done.

NB: It's not as if the milk likes being made into butter...

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