18 July 2005


This evening, after a session of T'ai Chi in the front room with Chiara, I was trying to show her some things on Steven's blog that would help when she went back to France and had periods of practising alone. The computer was playing up for some reason when in walked Richard, my dear friend and first 'T'ai Chi brother', dropping in for a flying visit. He had studied T'ai Chi with me for a year and was already an experienced martial artist in other disciplines. He now lives in England and studies with Mark. It's always brilliant to do T'ai Chi with him: fun, challenging, friendly, serious, connected, wholehearted. We pushed hands a little in the front room until dinner was called, a barbecue by the fireside... Then we continued pushing hands until the sausages went cold... Then we continued pushing hands til it started to get dark and Richard had to get back.

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