To join, drop me an email or text, as I have set up a Whatsapp group and email group with the invitation for each week's class, as we have had too many problems with Blogger not allowing cut and paste of passwords, etc. I don't know if it's a Blogger problem or something else, but whatever we tried with posting it here, it doesn't work for some folk. So instead I will be making the text and email groups today, and you'll get your invite link well in advance, as I will make scheduled lessons rather than using the 'immediate meeting' type of set up. I will also set an easy to remember password rather than the auto-generated one. Thanks to all the students who had tech suggestions today. I am by no means technophobic, but I am a relative newbie to Zoom and other platforms, so thanks for bearing with me!
From 8.40am each Wednesday during lockdown, the Short Form session that would normally take place at Tooting Lido will be on Zoom. These sessions are open to all who already study with me or Mark Raudva, or our students. Sessions are available to play afterwards as I upload them to the Dropbox created for students. Get in touch if you need the link for that, as it is not publicly posted.
Sessions cost a flat rate of £5 for waged / folks with income. If you have had your income slashed by Covid-19, then please pay what you feel, even if that's only £1. Payments can be made to me via Paypal to carolineross at hotmail dot com. Please put reference 'Zoom class + date', thanks.
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