29 June 2014

Photos from Jan and Feb

I have finally got myself to sit at the screen and sort all the photos from earlier this year, so many! So far, Jan and Feb are done, and here's a selection. My neighbour 30 feet away is having an all weekend festival on his lawn with Glastonbury playing and showing very loud on a big screen, an utter nightmare for someone like me who craves a weekend of quietness. 10 years in bands provided enough random unwanted music at sound checks and gigs. Currently I am being tortured with Dolly Parton, to stay sane I will work hard on getting all my admin done, and hopefully can have a 'weekend' tomorrow.
Sandy gets to 'Drift With Current'

Dance study at Balvack

Tim and Janet at TCC Sabre class

Mark demonstrating with Colin

Mr White during the floods swimming where it should actually be land.

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