04 June 2014

Beautiful fungi photos and foray news

Being a huge Radiolab fan, I was happy to receive my next email from them featuring this week's podcast, and it had a link to the most incredible photos of (some as-yet unclassified) fungi in Australia. For some beautiful images and interesting info, click here, when you have 5 mins and a cup of tea.
Photo by Steve Axford, his website is here.
As for fungi, I am planning a foray for any T'ai Chi buddies near London in September. I am trying to remember the exact spots I used to go to down here before I moved to Scotland, so I will need to do a bit more research. Let me know if you are interested. It is likely to be a Thursday or Friday daytime foray, 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks of September look good to me. There will also be forays in Aberdeenshire in September and October, I hope you can join me.
Lastly 'Beautiful fungi photos and foray news' makes a good tongue twister, I think.

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