23 March 2009

2009 Dates

What a great weekend in Aberdeenshire... Well done all for great work. Here's the dates up until August break.

April workshops with Caro (£10 / £8 unless stated)
Thurs 16th 7.30-9.30pm: Long Form (hall hire + £3).
Fri 17th 7-10pm: Ta Lu & stepping partnerwork.
Sat 18th 2-5pm: Uprooting, sensitivity training, yielding, etc.
Sat 18th 6.30-9.30pm: Weapons training.
Sun 19th 2-5pm: Short Form and partnerwork, beginners welcome.
Sun 19th 6.30-9.30pm: Dance (San Shou) Those who missed first lesson are welcome to come and catch up at this session.

There is one slot for a 121 available at 10.30am on Monday 30th.

May workshops with Mark (£15 / £10)
Fri 15th 7-10pm: Ta Lu & stepping partnerwork.
Sat 16th 2-5pm: Long Form
Sat 16th 6.30-9.30pm: Weapons training.
Sun 17th 2-5pm: Short Form and partnerwork, beginners welcome.
Sun 17th 6.30-9.30pm: Dance (San Shou)

Class finish times approximate!

121s available with me Sat 11am, Sun 11am, Mon 10.30am. These can be booked when I am up in April.

June workshops with Caro (£10 / £8)
Fri 19th 7-10pm: Ta Lu & stepping partnerwork.
Sat 20th 2-5pm: Long Form
Sat 20th 6.30-9.30pm: Weapons training.
Sun 21st 2-5pm: Short Form and partnerwork, beginners welcome.
Sun 21st 6.30-9.30pm: Dance (San Shou)

121s Sat 11am, Mon 10.30am, bookable on my May visit.

4th annual July week - long workshop will be from 24th - 31st.

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