12 June 2006


Seeing as I had to go away and do music for a week recently, many students have been asking what the music is like, and I am no good at answering them. So, as promised, here are some links to folks who think they know.

The review from yesterday's Sunday Times can be found at: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2101-2213949.html

Or read this article about us in the new Ptolemaic Terrascope magazine online for more background... http://www.terrascope.co.uk/Features/Tells.htm

There's alot of reviews around the web for the latest Tells CD and still plenty for our old band Delicate AWOL, also Rothko / Caroline Ross / Susumu Yokota projects.

Finally there's www.tellsmusic.com (site not totally finished yet), www.myspace.com/tellsband and www.firerecords.com

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