29 May 2006

Workshop Weekend and News

The sessions with Mark a fortnight ago were excellent and really well attended. The next beginner's day with Mark will not be until November, as over the summer we will concentrate on tuition for my current students and for those who visit especially for the workshops.

I can confirm the week-long T'ai Chi workshop, open to all, which will be at my home from Saturday 12th August to Friday 18th 2-6pm and 7-10pm. If you cannot do the whole week, that is not a problem. Starting on the Saturday you may do as many consecutive days as you like, although it is not possible to start after the first day, or to drop into the sessions once you have missed one. Contact me if you have any queries. The cost will be £25 per day tuition fees, food and refreshments will be £5 per day. Limited accommodationon will also be available at £5 per night. Please let me know if you intend to come as the content of the week will depend on the levels of experience of those who book. We ask for a deposit of £25 which would be refunded in the case that the workshop was cancelled.

Other dates for your diary: All my T'ai Chi classes continue until 27th June. The final Sunday dropsessionsion at my home will be on 25th June. Come if you can and maybe we'll have a meal together afterwards before I leave for London for the Summer. Sunday practice sessions will very likely continue all summer at students' houses, contact me for details.

Friday 11th August 7-10pm will be our usual Ta Lu session with Mark at the house to revise and work on Ta Lu, Wapu and 'knocking'. Sunday 20th August 2-6pm is an open session with Mark for all those of you who can't make the workshop week. All my students are welcome to both these events. There are no spaces for 121s with Mark this visit. I am hoping he will come up in the autumn to teach a short sabre form workshop and also do 121s, let me know if you are interested. If you have time to go to London in the Summer and have tuition with Mark, I recommend it. He can be reached via his website www.thetaichicentre.co.uk

David Knight has returned to London at the end of his planned 6 months here in Scotland helping with Great River T'ai Chi and living at my place. I have just returned home from gigs and T'ai Chi study in London and miss David already. He will be back for all the workshops that we do, and in the mean time is making use of the short bokken we got him to say thanks... Incidentally, any other London based T'ai Chi folks who need to drop out for a while and come here should get in touch!

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