08 May 2006

Classes 21st-27th May

From 19th - 27th May I will unavoidably be in London with musical commitments. The Sunday class on 21st will run at my place with David teaching. All other classes (except Aberdeen, which will be off on 23rd) will run as normal with Davina or Paolo leading the class. There will be no new postures taught on those evenings, but it will be an excellent time for collaboration, racking memories, working together and finding out what you need to ask me when I get back... Please assist Davina and Paolo in any way you can. The classes will be in the regular format of partnerwork / sticking, warm-ups, then Form.

When I still lived in London my husband and I would go along to the Sunday drop-in sessions that my teacher ran as often as possible. One week we had not heard that it was not running, and four of us turned up for the class. The centre let us stay in the room for free anyway, and we proceeded to practise together. We were all reasonably new to Mark's classes and so we conferred and cooperated to try to piece together the warm-up set and then as far through the Short Form as we had learnt. It was such a memorable session as it was full of good humour and together-action rather than disillusion at the lack of a teacher and then saying 'sod it, let's go home'.

I get back on the Sunday morning 28th May, and will be at home for the class at 2pm.

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