25 March 2006

Radio 4 Programme

There was a lovely Radio piece on Gerda Geddes on Radio 4's 'Last Word' programme yesterday and if you go to the URL below you can hear it until next Thursday.


From the BBC site:
Pytt Geddes, The woman who introduced T'ai Chi to Britain who has died aged 88. In her youth Pytt joined the Norwegian resistance and eventually escaped to Sweden where she combined a knowledge of psychoanalysis and dance to develop a dance therapy for victims of the concentration camps. Following her marriage to David Geddes in 1948, she moved to Shanghai where she first came across t'ai chi ch'uan. Her daughter Harriet Devlin and the dancer and choreographer Richard Alston discuss her life and career. Gerda Meyer Bruun (known as Pytt) was born in Norway on July 17th 1917 and died on March 4th 2006.

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